The Neowsletter - March 2025
Happy March everybody,
It’s time for another Neowsletter! Wow, thank you for the March Neowsletter banner image, melohdy. It’s so nice, beautiful, and featured! You too can get your art up here if you submit something through our Discord or email us your 800x450px artwork to [email protected] (and make sure there’s no text but has room for us to add text.) It’s true, only one submission can be the header… but we’ll feature the rest in the Community Roundup section! Next month’s theme is: Neow donning cat ears or otherwise looking catlike :3 (we have a reason okay, trust us).
This is a wild month because a lot of us are playing Monster Hunter: Wilds, but outside of this bad joke, development progresses at a good pace. Okay, let’s show off a new thing. Behold…
Slay the Spire 2 is… an RPG? No! However, we’re adding a new type of card called Quests. Obtain these rare cards and fulfill their requirements and you will be greatly rewarded. Each quest is quite different from one another but we hope you get to encounter every one of them :D
Quest cards look quite different from regular cards; when do they show up?
New friend acquired!
Okay, that was quite exhilarating.
TikTok & YouTube Shorts
We started a TikTok page?? Channel? There will be more videos and insights into various Slay the Spire and Mega Crit things there! These “Shorts” will also be brought over to the Mega Crit YouTube channel. If a variety of vertical videos about little details, previews, or meme things appeal to you- then good news for you, go to these links to subscribe, get notified, follow, like, thumbs up, etc etc. I should have had Demi (our Community Manager) summarize this portion. Too late now.
(Demi’s note: That about sums it up lol, thank you Casey! By the way, here’s a sneak peek of our sneak peeks, featuring our art director Marlowe posing as her own reference for Ironclad!)
ThatGuyGlen Made a Documentary About Us!
It’s always fun to look at how games are made and it was fun AND nostalgic to see a documentary for Slay the Spire 1’s production. I helped gather bits of art, video, and info for this documentary and if you wanted to dive a bit more into the making of the game, then it’s a great video to look through with some exclusive archival footage 👀!
Spire Spotting
Demi here! We tasked you, our Spireologists, with determining last month’s mystery creature and WOW did a lot of you come through this time! While it was hard to choose which ones to shout out, we did manage to curate them a bit…
The award for most funny/absurd guess goes to annyamako for this unholy amalgam of StS1 elites!
The award for most accurate guess goes to ssorgatem… again?? The color scheme even matches and everything… it’s ok if you’ve hacked us you can tell us <3
The bonus cool factor award goes to torgomind, who animated their (creepily cool) guess!
And here’s a collage of our runner ups! Everyone’s so creative <3
Credit in order from left to right: Copper, Trutru1002, FireworkPolymer, ExampleNote, indecks, CeciliaCrow, Seilgrank, Fire Tonyno, Niek_Alexander, LordOverflow, Badine, alexrinehart
So let’s see what this little guy really looks like…
Phew, now that’s settled! I’m sure there are no more shadowy monsters lurking nearby wAIT A MINUTE–what’s this??
Looks like we need your hypotheses yet again! You can submit them via the fanart channel in our Discord, [email protected], or tag us on social media!
Q&A with C&A
It’s time for us to answer more questions from you, yes… YOU! As a reminder, you can submit your questions to us via Discord during a short window near the end of each month or via [email protected] at any time (just be sure to specify an alias if you choose to send us an email or we’ll list you as anonymous.)
Tekamania asks: Will there be any interesting start of run features? Casey: Yes, many features at the start of the run :D While there are a few changes to the start of the run we can’t talk about, Neow will be returning to help our heroes make it to the top with new and old blessings.
foxpile asks: What’s your favorite sound in the game? (anything from the first or anything new from the second!) Casey: Probably the death stinger. It’s quite poetic for me.
Kirbstar asks: Are there any QOL changes of note? Casey: Yes, you can view the turn number, current floor info, access to card/relic/etc information mid-run, things you can’t do tend to wiggle and turn red more often, and so forth!
bobtheblob02 asks: How much larger will the game be compared to the original? Casey: Like 300mb or so. For a more serious answer, we’re launching Slay the Spire 2 with more “countable” content than the first game but we’re also launching with new ✨Features✨.
forq asks: how many calories are in the ice cream relic Casey: You can’t actually eat the ice cream. Having it in your possession gives you its powers… The anticipation of eating the ice cream is the source of its power. But in terms of calories, a lot of course. It’s full fat ice cream, not froyo.
Chief Bart asks: Are there going to be more food related enemies/events like Donu Casey: Donu is not a food-related enemy… Donu is a Toric Construct named after a beloved fried pastry. Related, that one guy asks: What flavored donut is Donu? The answer is bronze. All of the constructs are bronze. Donu and Deca are painted as they’re decorated Grand Constructs.
linh asks: will the game get released on nintendo switch too ? Casey: I hope so! We’ll definitely be optimizing the game enough to run on the Nintendo Switch. Porting work is happening during Early Access so nothing is set in stone yet.
SRabbelier asks: Have the slayers been resurrected much in the past 1000 years since STS 1, or are they coming back after a break? Casey: I see you fishin’ for spoilers
Gosha Plusha asks: Will there be a STS 2 card or board game released? Casey: If there’s enough interest! I’d like to focus more of our time on it so we likely won’t be shooting for a simul release or anything for this.
Verdego asks: If you had to describe a yet-to-be-revealed feature in one word, what word would that be? Casey: Stars
Guest Of Unhonour asks: Could we learn one guarenteed, for sure returning event npc? Casey: The Merchant is back. The Merchant is eternal.
LizzardWizzard asks: Will the baby companion snecko item/event return (he’s my favorite)? Casey: What
gooseph asks: Probably a completely irrelevant question, BUT – compatibility between workshop mods for STS1 with STS2? Or, will it be easy for that to ‘work?’ Casey: Compatibility is impossible between sts1 and sts2 as it’s a separate game engine. Sorry!
untitled_goose asks: Will a modded launcher be a part of the base game or will it be something made by the community like it is now? Casey: We do want there to be in-game integration but haven’t done it yet soooo- tbd.
Boraborawayhay(4xA20H) asks: Which card name, from either game, is your favourite? Casey: Ascender’s Bane. Its name makes a lot of sense; what a good name it is.
imgamg asks: A couple years ago, Casey posted this picture clarifying what Deca looks like from behind, but unfortunately it still remains somewhat ambiguous. Are Deca’s cheeks square pyramidal (making Deca a hexadecahedron) or are they more triangular (making Deca a tetradecahedron)? Hopefully this can be resolved before STS2 releases. Casey: I… uh..
Drake Waffle asks: Can StS 2 come to the Wii U? Anthony: No
BatZach asks: can i use feed on defect in sts2? Anthony: No
Merch Madness
Demi here again! ICYMI: the Artovision x Slay the Spire collection dropped last month, so if you want some beautiful, three-dimensional Spire swag for your desk or your wall go check it out!! Yes the collection is currently missing the Defect, but rumor has it the demand for him may be filled! In terms of desktop art, of course. Sorry to the people who are ctrl-F searching for other Defect news.
And in other exciting, feathery news…
CAW-CAAW!! Your power will be unmatched with your very own Cultist plushie from Makeship by your side!! Perfect for cozying up with or for performing sacred rites in worship of the crow god Mazaleth with, no nest is complete without a Cultist plush in your flock! Ritual Dagger not included. Make sure to join the flock soon though, as this limited edition campaign is only live for less than 3 more weeks!!
Collab Corner
If you are a fan of roguelike deckbuilders (which I hope you are, if you’re reading this) and are looking to try another icon of the genre, now is the perfect time! For a limited time only, Slay the Spire and Monster Train are bundled together–so if you already own Slay the Spire you get 10% off of Monster Train! Also be sure to check out the Monster Train 2 demo!!
Connections Section
We hope this month’s Slay the Spire Connections puts a little extra Spring in your step ^-^
Community Roundup
First up, we want to shout out the other lovely submissions for March’s Neowsletter cover!
by grunk
by Ansi
by Georgia
And last but not least, here are some other incredible fanworks from the past month!
c:\Users\dmont\Downloads\Ozzy_small.png A series of beautiful character redesigns by JustOzzy
An incredible pixel animation of Necrobinder and Osty by var1egated
Part of a series of really cute, sticker-worthy StS illustrations by haiqiebulasjie
That’s all for this month’s Neowsletter; see you again when we March onward into April!